After leaving Key West we stayed the night at the Tavernier Hotel in Tavernier midway along the keys. An older style hotel but comfortable.
We had planned an early start today however jetlag beat us and we did not get away intil 10am. Our drive today took us from the Florida Keys through the everglades then onto Bonito Springs to watch the sunset on the Wesr Coast of Florida.
Click the read more link below for more on the Everglades and photos………..
We had a great breakfast a a Cuban diner next to the hotel with steak, eggs and Cuban bread. The Cuban coffee was so good that after a taste of mine Trish left her tea and ordered a cup as well.
We headed north and turned West after the Keys and through the Everglades. Plenty of Alligators here far morenoticeable than Crocodiles in the NT. They are in the culverts by the road and just about everywhere else as well. Florida also has some crocodiles however we did not see any today. Below are some photos of some the wildlife we spotted and locals fishing. We made Bonito Springs well be fore sunset so headed down to the Fort Myers beach to watch the sunset.