Weston Florida – Vertigo

We arrived at Weston around 4pm and were met by our hosts Ligia and Beatrice. Unfortunately Trish became unwell and very dizzy so had to lay down. The condition worsened overnight so Trish stayed in Bed.

University of Florida Dental Training Area
I was fortunate enough to be taken on a tour of the University and campus. One room took me by surprise with at least 100 dental surgery cubicals!! There was around 30 in use with students treating patients under supervision. Attended the local Rotary club of Pembroke Pines lunch time meeting and gave a short talk on our Rotary Club of Litchfield Palmerston with an exchange of club banners and a talk on the Northern Territory.

Trish getting the best medical care at Cleveland Clinic Florida
Trish’s condition had worsened while I was out so at 4pm it was off to the urgent care doctors surgery. Trish was seen quite quickly was diagnosed with Vertigo however the usual medication that had no effect. The doctor referred us to Cleveland Clinic emergency as the nearest hospital Emergency department. Where we spent several hours with Trish having CAT scans and other tests. Once the more serious causes were eliminated Trish was given lots of drugs and we were allowed to go home.