We are at Trollstigen near Andalsnes waiting for the rain to stop, clouds are down to the ground.
No point going on one of the most scenic mountain roads in the world without the scenic part. Have to feel sorry for the tour groups on buses. lot of money paid to see Norwegian clouds. A cruise ship docks at Andalsnes (9k away) tomorrow so if the rain has not cleared may go back into town and follow a cruise ship tour around 🙂 On the bright side the washing machines are free here so Trish is enjoying herself playing in the laundry 🙂 mmm.

Wearher forcast has rain clearing late this afternoon, sunny by Thursday. Hope they are right as we are heading from here to one of Norways most spectacular fjords. Geirangerfjorden and will take the ferry along the fjord from Geiranger to Hellesylt. Norwegian clouds are much the same as anywhere else white and wet but they do look much better when framed by mountains an lakes.