We arrived in Dunkirque a little before dark and found the motorhome servicing point at Gravelines however there was no motorhome parking there.
A French couple were servicing there motorhome I asked where the motorhome parking was. They seemed to understand what I was asking but did not speak any English. However they waited until we has completed our servicing and beckoned us to follow them. They kindly guided us to a Motorhome parking area away from the crowd by the river at Grand Fort Philippe.
We spent two nights here before catching the ferry to Dover on the 17 Aug.
Taking it easy we had a lazy morning and an easy day restocking supplies and refueling at the local Super U and spent the afternoon exploring the town and local beaches.
We had some difficulty with the UK immigration. When Trish gave her home address as a UK address, the immigration officer must have suspected her as an illegal immigrant particularly when Trish could not produce an air ticket to prove she would be departing the UK. He gave us the third degree with a whole series of quiestions and became quite threatening toward Trish warning her not to overstay her 6 month entry visa. But on the bright side he gave Trish an additional 6 months stay.
The ferry trip across the channel from Dunkerque to Dover was pleasant and we treated ourselves to a full English breakfast on the way. Reaching England we stayed on the motorways all the way back to Winborne and our ‘Home’ base in the UK at Steven’s cousins house.
We plan to stay here for a few days, enjoying the company of family and sprucing up the hymermobile for the next adventure.