Gales and rain continue so we are heading back towards Hamilton. This park was closed on our last visit last year so we thought we would try again.
The rain eased for a while so we took the the short (330 metre) loop walking track to view and explore Yellow Gum, Brown Stringybark and wattle forest and the large 500 million year old granite rocks. There are some advantages of visiting this time of year, again a campground to ourselves, The Rocky Creek was flowing and the rocks were covered in multicolored mosses. You can also take a walk along the Rocky Creek walking track that is five kilometers return. Maybe on a dryer day!!
The rain held off for a little longer and Steven rose to the challenge of building a camp fire in the soaking wet conditions and cooking a BBQ dinner.

A nice free picnic and camping area near Dergholm Victoria with toilets, water, barbecues and picnic tables are provided.