Our winter tour of Southern South Australia continues with a visit to Kingston a crayfishing port at the southeastern end of Encounter Bay and the Coorong some 297 km southeast of Adelaide.
Kingston is probably most well known for the Big Lobster which sits at the entrance to the town.
Kingston is an RV friendly town and cater for the needs of Caravans and motorhomes with free overnight parking. We chose a grassy area at the end of the jetty and beaches. In winter you get such usually sought after spots to yourself.
The wild wet and windy weather has been a theme of this trip so far!! We walked out on the jetty and thought the coastline was all rocks however as we got closer the rocks turned out to be huge piles of seaweed on what were once the town beaches.
Steven considered going fishing however it was just to windy and the weather forcast is for the wind to increase to gales so we opted for a walk to the tourist information centre and a walk around the towns attractions. When we are in an RV friendly town we always buy some supplies and make a point of supporting the local businesses and shops.
Just across the road from the Big lobster is a park with the ‘Sundial of Human Involvement’ located on a small island in Maria Creek. The sundial is an Analemmatic Sundial A person standing on the analemma will cast a shadow which will pass through the hours markers. The sun came out and Steven tried out the sundial which was remarkably accurate at 4:30pm

We are heading South from here not sure where we will end up tonight.