Celebrating the new year at a small town of Boort in Northern Victoria. Never heard of it until this week! Checked out the Torrumbarry weir on the Murray on the way.
Torrumbarry weir
Bought some things at Simply Tomatoes near Boort and enjoyed afternoon tea and a chat with the owners who also were more than happy for us to stay the night in the Motorhome. Great country hospitality. New years eve at the Boort Railway hotel T Bone Steak with a free beer for $16. Great winding the clock back 20 years
Walked to the top of Mount Hope today only 2k or so but at 39° made it a bit more challenging! The Mount Hope Nature Conservation reserve is about 10 kilometres north east of Pyramid Hill on Leitchville – Pyramid road. It consists of seven small granite hills. The largest, at the northern end, is named Suicide Rock.

At the top of any of the boulders at Mt Hope you are rewarded by an unforgettable panorama of pastoral and agricultural land with views towards nearby Kow Swamp. There is also picnic area at the northern end of the Mount.
The outcrop lies within the 126 hectare Mount Hope Nature Conservation Reserve which is managed by Parks Victoria.
Boort is a town in Victoria, Australia, located next to Lake Boort, in the Shire of Loddon. The town is known for its native birdlife. Boort is a local Aboriginal word meaning “Smoke from the hill”.