Beaches, Cliffs and Aboriginal Middens at Cape Hillsborough NP – North Queensland

Cape Hillsborough is a ruggedly diverse scenic park. The park includes rainforest, eucalypt forest, beaches, rocky headlands covered in hoop pines, and scattered volcanic rock formations. We did not arrive until late in the day and the light was fading which is reflected in the photos.

Large rhyolite boulders scattered over the headlands and beaches are a reminder of volcanic activity millions of years ago. Volcanic plugs and other striking rock formations found in and around the park.

Steven went for a short 5.2km hike along the grade 2 (difficulty) Andrews Point Track. This track climbs from the beach to the hilltops and to the Twin Beach Lookout and other scenic lookouts with views of the coastline and the Whitsunday Islands.

It was late and the light was fading however there was still just enough time for us both to walk the Diversity Boardwalk. This is a 2.4 kilometre lightly trafficked loop trail located near Cape Hillsborough. It passes by mangrove swamps, through Melaleuca woodland and eucalypt open forest. The highlight was the aboriginal shell middens around a large rock.

Aboriginal Shell Midden Surrounding a Large Rock

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