Camino day 16. Kilometres completed 343.4. Walked 28k today now at Boadilla del Camino at the En El Camino Alburgue. Seems popular, nice garden and shallow pool to cool your feet and was full just after we arrived at 2:30pm. Close call.

Left the village of Hontanas before sunrise. Hontanas can be dated back to around the year 1200. Its name comes from the Latin word “fontanas” and is due to the numerous springs it possesses, which became fountains for pilgrims.
Walked on the road to the ruins of the convent of San Antón. Here you pass under the arches of the ancient building, founded in 1146 by King Alfonso VII. The monks of this monastery were famous because they cured infectious gangrene known as “San Antón’s fire”.
Walking on the road continues in a straight line to the town of Castrojeriz

From Castrojeriz, you can see the upcoming ascent of the Teso de Mostelares. A 1.3 kilometre unforgettable ascent. There was a welcome drink cart at the summit. The summit crosses the Mostelares plain to the landscape of the region of Tierra de Campos.
The path continues through wheat fields to a picnic area next to the fountain of the Piojo. Then onto Itero del Castillo, the last town in the province of Burgos.
Walking solo most of the time today however walked the last 8k with a Fabian a German Girl.
An English lady on a bike rode into the ditch right next to us with about 4k before Boadilla del Camino. So we helped her out of ditch checked the split in her lip and recovered the bike. The lady was obviously dehydrated and disorientated we were both out of water so no help. Anyway she remounted the bike and headed off with us wondering if she was going to make it.

When we arrived at the outskirts of town she was riding back out to find her dropped towel and had still had not had a drink! We both gave some stern advice for her to have a drink now while near water. Arriving at the Albergue we heard that she went on to the next town but lo and behold 10 min later she staggered into the Alburgue here. The host looked after her and arranged for medical attention. Mad dogs and English women!
This evening finds me in room with 4 French men and the German girl Fabian. With their bad English and my bad French we have managed communicate quite well in half French/English sentences.
A mild shin splint today in left leg and problem with second toe left foot. 58k in 2 days to be expected I guess.