Fast Ferry – Kristiansand to Hirtshals

We spent a quiet night parked near the Kristiansand ferry terminal (300mts) and were up at 05:30am to check in for the ferry at 6am and be loaded. They really pack the cars in with only just enough space for passengers to squeeze between the cars to the passenger deck. We departed on time at 7am.

Fjord1 ferry loading
Fjord1 ferry loading

All went well for the first 15 min smooth and flat however when we reached the open sea we were very surprised at how rough it was and how much the ferry pitched and rolled.

Farewell Norway
I thought these fast cat ferries were supposed to cut through the waves! Well not today. It was not long before Steven felt a little off colour, no problem, Good news – Steven always carries emergency travel sickness tablets in his wallet, Bad news – these were all used on the whale watching boat!!

Farewell Norway
Other than finding it very difficult to walk around with the movement when buying coffee Trish was fine. Meanwhile Steven had tried standing outside in the wind with no improvement and has now been ferry sick for the first time. Sometime after the staff had handed out nice paper bags to a lot of people the captain advised he was changing course to make the trip more comfortable. The rolling movement did settle down and so did Steven who reappeared from somewhere just before we docked.

We drove into Hirtshals and had a walk around while Steven recovered then headed out to the Beach, Lighthouse and the Bunker Museum.

Water jet Propulsion 

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