A Stroll on the Buderim Palmwoods Heritage Tramway Walk

Buderim to Palmwoods Tramway

A walk through history along the original Buderim to Palmwoods Tramway. A pleasant shaded walk on a well maintained track. This is an out and back walk 2km sloping down and 2km back sloping up. It is on the old tram line so it is not steep and Trish did it quite comfortably.

The track is also wheelchair friendly and is surrounded by regrowth which provides good shade over the path. There are several signed information points along the way to keep you interested. 

Giant Native Moss.

These examples were only small at10cm and were growing next to the track. They can grow to 60cm and are the largest Moss in the world.

I always think of moss as the furry stuff on the back fence and rocks. There is a lot more to moss than you think!! Click HERE for 10 giant moss facts

The relentless development here has all but removed obvious evidence of the railway. In it’s day the Buderim to Palmwoods Tramway was a key point in the development of Buderim’s fame as Brisbane’s fruit basket and for promotion of tourism on the Sunshine Coast. 

The trail ends in overgrowth – no coffee shop here.

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