Andennes to Lofoten Islands

Left our overnight stay which was next to the tunnel and cliff base not far from Bleik and drove down the west coast of Andoya Island. This coast line has ever-changing beauty from rocky sea weed covered beaches, ragged cliffs, rocks jutting out near the shore line to sandy surf beaches. One such beach was at Noss where keen surfers were enjoying the thrill of riding the waves, I say keen because the water is cold and the wind is cold, still good to see people out and enjoying themselves.

We retraced our steps back on the R82, R85 and E10 over bridges and through tunnels back onto Hinnoya Island. Travelled through the Sordals Tunnel which is  6.4km long and then over the Austvagova Bru and the Vesteralen Bru (bridge) onto the island of Austvagoya  and onto the Lofoten Islands.

Click more below for more photos………..

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