Pilgrimage walk to Mont Saint Michel Day 1. Video shows the route. This short 5.1 km walk joins Wimborne Minster to Corfe Mullen. I selected the church of Wimborne Minster as my starting point as it has been a place of pilgrimage for over 1,300 years. Also pilgrims have left from Poole to cross to France to walk to Mont Saint Michel and to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. It is also near where my Cousin Shirley is hosting me while I get over jet lag until I catch the ferry in 3 days.

This short stroll through the Dorset countryside was with my cousin’s husband Kelly who will also accompany me on the walk from here to the Poole ferry terminal.

We followed an old Roman road through Happy Bottom Nature reserve and then along the Stour Valley way and over the Stour River at Eye Bridge. Don’t you just love English names.

My Pilgrims Credential now has its first stamp. Kindly created specially at the Wimborne Minster as no pilgrims have left from there in a very long time. The credential is like a passport it identifies you as a pilgrim and records your journey with stamps. Not known in Australia, however pilgrims have been walking across Europe for over a 1,000 years and are an integral part of the history.