This was the last day aboard the Ryndam Cruise Liner bringing a three week journey across the Atlantic Ocean to an end for us. The ship was continuing on to Rotterdam where more passengers would be disembarking and new passengers boarding for the next part of the Ryndam’s Itinerary.
We docked after the dawn, the White Cliffs of Dover were a reminder that we had reached good old England it is now time to begin the next phase of our journey.
Making the most of last minutes on board we headed for the Lido Deck ( translated to passengers as the Food deck) for a hardy breakfast before stepping on English soil again.
We were greeted by Steven’s cousin and husband and after a few hours of driving through the lovely English countryside it was decided to stop at a pub for a English Sunday Roast Dinner.
Our home for the next couple of weeks is in Corfe Mullen near Wimborne, Dorset as guests of Steven’s cousin and family while we look for a motor home to purchase for the next stage of our retirement on tour.
Click read more below for more photos from the Ryndam………