Austria Liezen – Gesause National Park to Hainfield

Our home in Liezen – Austria
Wheels off and wheels back on

One of our winter tyres was on the wrong way so Steven tried to put this wheel on the other side after removing the wheel fitting the spare the small wheel brace was not up to the task of removing the other wheel so Steven put everything back the way it was.
With the Hymermobile back together we went into town and after picking up some supplies we chose a scenic route through Eastern Austria leaving Liezen at 1:45 pm.

We had a nice leisurely afternoon drive passing through the Gesause national park and soon after leaving the mountain peaks behind us.

10-16-11 Austria - Liezen to Sopron Hungary

On the scenic road 25 we passed small farm paddocks with bright green grass, electric fences and grazing cattle, trees with leaves now turning orange, brown and golden, rivers and rapids and small farming villages.

Our Home in Hainfield Austria

Now late in the afternoon we turned onto the R39 and to the town of Hainfield, it was now dark and we had some trouble finding a camp ground that was still open. For Eur 23 including electricity, we were able to park outside the Auwerk Camping the only campground still open. Most of the campgrounds close at the end of September and most of the others closing in October. There are very few campgrounds open all year, some located in the ski areas will reopen in December for winter camping. We have seen the photos of motorhomes alpine camping covered in ice and snowdrifts. While our hymermobile is winterised, we are not, so our plan is not to be around here for the winter.
There was another motorhome there. Our new Austrian neighbours were quite exited on seeing our Australian flag and enthusiastically invited us over to their Motorhome as they wanted to here about Australia, tell us something of there home country and practice English as they were planning to visit Brisbane and Queensland next year.

We had a very convivial evening chatting which became much easier after enjoying some fabulous Austrian wine.

We retired to the Hymermobile for the coldest night we have had so far. Having mains power to drive the small fan heater saved our gas and kept jack frost outside!!

3D viewer on boardwalk showing all 4 seasons
Viewer photo Winter
Viewer photo Autum

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