Half Moon Cay, also known as Little San Salvador, is one of the 700 islands that make up the Bahamas.

The island was purchased by Holland America in 1997, and development has only occurred on approximately 45 acres of the 2400 acre island. The main goal is to maintain as much habitat as possible for wildlife, especially waterfoul as the island is a significant nesting area.
The photos of Half Moon Cay speak for themselves so here is a little info on the original inhabitants – click below for more pictures and info ………………….
The original inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands were the Arawak Indians, who lived a peaceful existence of farmers until the Carib Indians came along in the early 15th Century.
The Caribs were known cannibals who hailed from South America.
Just prior to the age of discovery, the Caribs swept up through the Caribbean chain island by island in there dugout canoes.
They had no problem with navigation, because their next destination was visible on the horizon or just over it.
They introduced two new words to the white mans language which we still use today; Caribbean and Buccaneer.
The first is obvious but the second is more interesting. The Caribs sliced and smoked their meat over open fires with grills called ‘boucans’.
When the freebooters and privateers saw this, they copied the idea and so became known as Buccaneers.
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