Darwin–Australia–Sunrise to Sunset

We were very exited to be coming into our home port so did not sleep much and were up before dawn to watch the sunrise over the harbour as we sailed into the port. Even the dolphins came out to welcome us back.

Darwin Australia

Today is a day to catch up with our family and friends after 18 months away. Our daughter came to pick us up just after breakfast and we headed out to Palmerston where our son and granddaughter were waiting for us after their early morning drive up from Katherine.

Dawn over Darin Harbour
Sunrise – Darwin
The port of Darwin

The day was spent lazing around the pool and catching up with events while we have been away. All to soon it was time to head back to the port where we had arranged to spend some time with our close friends. It seemed to be notime before we were saying farewell and reboarding the Oriana at 5:30pm for our 6pm departure.

Our Family in Darwin

The ship had some technical problems so we remained  docked for 2-3 hours while while repairs were carried out. This turned out to be a bonus for us as Darwin turned on the best evening weather. All the wet season weather conditions we have missed in just an hour or two!!

Darwin Rain
Darwin Sunset and Rain

 The ships poolside BBQ dinner was washed out by a storm. We stayed and had our BBQ anyway despite the rain and loved it.

Darwin Sunset over Oriana

Darwin Sunset

This was followed shortly after by a wonderful Darwin red tropical sunset combined with thunder storms each side. Unfortunately one of the best things about Darwin in the wet was missed by most of the passengers who had by now retreated below and to other activities.

Sunset on Storm Clouds

This was the best Darwin farewell we could have wished for and hard to capture in the photographs.

Farewell Storm over Darwin Harbour

We had a great day from watching the wonderful sun rise, time with family and friends and the spectacular sun set and thunder storms.

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